My favourite thing about the new year is sitting down to a trashy mag and reading about my future. The earth rotates around the sun and all of the planets align and disalign and somehow a woman with a sense for this things comes up with a prophecy.

Taureans weighed down by constraint and responsibility finally hit the eject button. Faced with a choice between risk and routine, the pursuit of pleasure will win hands down. Not only does adventurous Mars make amends for Saturn's recent cosmic restraints, it also ushers in an uncharacteristic level of self-confidence. Just take care not to overextend yourself financially. Relationships hit a high note, especially new friendships. If love makes an entrance, it may be via business. Platonic bonds may also be in for a shift of status.
Gemini Jupiter reaffirms your right to prestige and prosperity, and Pluto throws in some luck for good measure, so this should be an amazing year professionally Cancer Early 2010 may test your patience. Stay in control, this is when your new angel spirit will shine through. Leo This year brings a sense of achievement, and your driving force is independence. New ventures show amazing potential, and bear the stamp of your individuality. Virgo Change is coming, so gather your strength and prepare. All year, the cosmos ensures a busy schedule, along with a strong possibility of travel.
Libra This year, you come to realise how amazing you are. There's an ambitious spirit in you that gentler Librans tend to suppress. But 2010 allows you to take what's rightly yours. Scorpio Your luck is in, Scorpio. Thanks to success-hungry Mars, professional possibilities are plenty, with the smallest effort producing excellent results, but some serious hours will be required between January and March. Sagittarius This year, you overflow with unstoppable confidence. With a vibrant tone set early on, you'll need no excuse to fall into the pastimes you most enjoy: being adventurous and having fun. Capricorn While many planets vie for top status, Saturn and Jupiter grab an equal lead. Be ready for out-of-the-ordinary opportunities and possible travel. Choose a direction and follow it.
Aquarius Good old-fashioned practicality usually gets the best results. The trouble is you're bored with the tried and tested, and feel drawn towards thrill and adventure. So if unexpected offers arise, you're likely to hop on board. PiscesThrow off inhibitions, Pisces. It's a year to indulge your dreams and face the future without fear, Aries If you were hoping for a gentler year ahead, you may be disappointed. Relationships become more honest and serious, and professional responsibilities increase – particularly until March. After all this year's good work, karmic laws decree that by your next birthday, it's reward time. Keep a tally
Horoscopes by Tanya Obreza via Marie Claire
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