Summer air reminds me of all the seasons of your love,

Sitting in my room at 3 oclock in the afternoon, still in my pj's. I'm listening to passion pit and I just suddenly became overcome with that feeling of knowing that things aren't going to be like this forever. I have always believed in that idea of your life running in seasons. A season for love, a season for reclusiveness, for being there for your friends and for being there for yourself. Nothing last forever but sometimes its easy to forget that when you're in the middle of something. So, just now, sitting in my room listening to this music that makes up the soundtrack to London, i realised that this too shall pass. It makes me sad because what i have right now is so wonderful, i love my friends, my job (well, most of the time), my house. I guess the best thing about knowing that something isn't forever is that you make sure you make the most of it, commit it to memory, remember this harmonious feeling knowing that your life is pretty brilliant.
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