I've been spending a lot of time listening tothis soundrack. It's from Quebec film C.R.A.Z.Y, which is one of the films that i constantly rotate in my "favourite film" category (along with Vivre sa Vie, L'avventura and In good Company). Listening to the soundtrack is almost as good as watching the whole film, you can relive the atmosphere of the scene. Also, it is a really good soundtrack- the director put his own money into it and blew $600K on the soundtrack alone.

C.R.A.Z.Y. follows the story of Zac, the fourth of five boys growing up in Montreal in the 60's and 70's. The film shows the relationship between Zac, his brothers and in particular his father, who struggles to deal with the complexities of raising boys in the modern world. All of the boys are different, the book worm, the sporty one, the tough guy and Zac who, because he is the youngest for quite a few years, is considered a mommy's boy and his masculinity is often questioned. This is not helped by the fact that his Catholic mother believes him to be blessed with the gift of healing due to being born on Christmas day and on account of a birthmark in his hair which makes one of his strands of hair white. Zac struggles to find and define himself admist the drugs, promiscuity and freedom of the 70's and against the moralistic Catholic views of his parents. All of this is set against a backdrop of the most definitive songs of the time, perfectly reflecting the crazy times.

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