goodness gracious it is hot hot hot in NY at the moment. As my Grandma would say "its 100 degree's in the shade" and I'm not kidding. LC and I went to Brooklyn today and trekked through the blazing heat to find a little place that had been recommended to me: a vegan-fixed-gear cafe called Boneshakers. Unfortunately for us, after walking through the midday heat, we arrived to find that its was 100 degrees in the cafe as well. Their blackboard out the front said "we are a fan of fans" and it was true, they had fans, and very obligingly provided us with ice and water. We had the Merckx works (a tofurkey sandwich) and LC was rather surprised to find that I knew all this stuff about its namesake, the cycling hero Eddy Merckx. After having worked at Rapha for a few weeks it seemed that I had absorbed some kind of cycling knowledge via osmosis. Really, I had just read this. haha! Anyway, it was so, so, so hot that we basically melted. Its hard because I'm only in New York for a short time but literally it is too hot to do anything. We saw a girl being put in an ambulance today on Bedford Ave for what I can only assume was heat stroke, poor love. The heat has obviously tampered with my brain (also the jet lag) and I am beginning to realise that my sentence construction is less than coherent. I will leave you with a video and a list.
Freedom Tunnel from Charles le Brigand on Vimeo.
Things to do Tomorrow
Coffee at Rapha NY
CBGB's and Joey Ramone Place
lounging in the park
meet LC and go to MOMA
(keep cool with the art)
Fish Tacos
Annie Hall at open air cinema in Brooklyn
OR Literary Upstart Finals yes please!
Hopefully I will be over my jet-lag
Video by Carlito Brigante of Grafitti in the Freedom tunnel in Manhattans West side via the L Magazine
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