Wednesday, June 16, 2010

deepwater horizon

BP wants Twitter to shut down a fake BP account that is mocking the oil company. In response, Twitter wants BP to shut down the oil leak that’s ruining the ocean.

Fia Backstrom, Recycle (Hanging proposal for sculpture by Kelley Walker), at Murray Guy, photo by Marina Galperina
via AFC

Since I have been in London I have barely read a newspaper and I have not once watched the news. I don't go out of my way to find out what is happening in the world. In a way my life is incredibly self centered, self serving and in some way self-deluded. I live in the bubble of my personal life, allowing only close friends and the people I work with to inform me. Its pretty darn sad.

Even sadder than that is the oil spill. Despite my closed off lifestyle, I have still managed to hear about the freaking giant disaster. Mega-litres of oil are spilling into our ocean and they're trying to stop it. Then they will have to clean it up. But its been 2 months now and they haven't got it plugged.

I have just been looking at my RSS feed and all of the recent posts about BP. Man, It is enough to make me sick. Perhaps, seeming as I lead a life with few responsibilities and basically don't belong anywhere in the world right now, I should go to Louisiana and help clean up.

the awl have been making frequent posts when new information comes to light: the cost of cleaning up here. Art Fag City posted about art's interpretation of the multinational. HiLobrow
put up the winners of greenpeace's logo redesign competition.

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