Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Baby, I love your way

 10 characteristics that I admire in other people
one: Intellect> I like people who have interesting things to say, who think before they speak and who can challenge my ideas (and their own). 
two: Empathy/compassion> these two go hand in hand. I truly believe that empathy is the most important emotion to master and it is something that I have to work at. Without empathy we drown in a pool of our own self-involvement and eventually self loathing. Empathy is what builds connections between people, what makes friendship. Compassion shows how much you care. 
three: People who make me laugh> these are the BEST people. They make you laugh so much that your face hurts and you can't breathe and you are on the verge of peeing. Sometimes they just make you smile and that is enough. Sometimes its because they are so quick and witty or dry or completely ridiculous and silly. They are the people you miss the most when they are gone. 
four: Individuality and uniqueness> I love people who are aware of the things that make them who they are. this isn't necessarily a theatrical thing, its more or less just that i love that everyone is different. I love the things that make people tick, and the things that people get obsessed with, the little things that make them who they are. 
five: Ambition> people who MAKE things happen. these people know what they want and they strive to get it. It is such an admirable quality, even if in contrast it sometimes makes me look lazy. 
six: Fun> fun people are great. these people make fun happen, they are the people who make suggestions. They are also the people who rock up to your house with beer. They look boredom in the eye without fear. They take the mediocrity of our daily existence and turn it into a wonderful adventure. 
seven: people who build you up> My bff and I work really well together because we always want the best for each other. We look out for each other and we take time to listen and share. Most importantly we compliment each other. This is especially important since we have been away and we don't have our mums to tell us that we are 'absolutely wonderful in every way and definitely the most beautiful, charming and delightful girl on the planet earth'. 
eight: Optimism> My Mum has always told me to think positively. Positive energy attracts positive energy. I thoroughly believe that and also believe that negativity is self fulfilling. A lot of the time people assume that I am a pessimist. Maybe because I am often sarcastic, bitter and grumpy. Maybe its because I spend a lot of time alone. In actuality I am resoundingly optimistic and I always try to see the best in situations. In fact, I think I use it as a coping mechanism. Travel has taught me to also be completely aware of the worst that could happen but to remain faithful to positive thinking. 
nine: Generosity> One of my close friends is a hugely generous person. Not just generous with his money, but also with his time, his care, his space, his compliments, his car, well just about everything and with anyone who is of need. This attribute makes up for almost all of his other shortcomings. haha, not really, he has other wonderful characteristics. But mostly I praise him for his generosity because in this day and age its is something that we don't come across as often. I applaud his parents for bringing him up to hold this value in hight esteem. 
ten: Good Manners> Using good manners is important to me. I feel it is a way that we can show respect for each other. When faced with bad manners I usually get a little flustered, so it is probably a good thing that its bad manners to tell anyone off about their bad manners. I think perhaps the most important manner is to be polite to people. This means that despite how earth shatteringly crap your day has been you should always be polite to people around you, especially strangers. Allowing your mood to let you be rude to strangers shows a weakness of character and a lack of respect. I also recommend good table manners and always carrying tissues so that you never have to sniff. 
Photos by Jason Carpman Via document magazine's weeklies

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