Thursday, June 10, 2010

time to grow up

Well, I've been doing this for over a year now. I thought it was time for a change- something bright. I'm not 100% about it but we'll see how it goes.

Part of my redecoration is because I feel like, as a writer, I need to grow up a little bit. Need a bit more focus, a bit more time spent researching the things that really interest me. I need to spend more time making sure my grammar & spelling are correct and that my formatting has continuity.

I feel like i could very easily make a mistake with the direction of my content. It is so easy to read blogs written by crazy young people who seem to be having such a great time and become drawn into their world through their romanticism. Sometimes I think to myself that if I enjoy reading that kind of writing perhaps I could have a hand at writing it myself. But it is almost like falling into a rabbit hole and after spending some time wondering around, coming to the conclusion that even though it looks like a great place, you are just not Alice. After a while that kind of writing becomes truly nauseating. Also, if I wanted to write like that I would need to change a few things, because, darlin', my life just ain't that interesting.

So conclusion, please expect more writing as opposed to sloppy journaling. That is why I started this blog, to practice my writing. Inspiration from places like tomorrow museumso much to tell yougrow fonder and in particular a year of positive thinking. They are all wonderful intelligent women who write about things that interest them. Beautiful!

...if smart women who know how smart they are intimidate men (and they do), and beautiful women who know how beautiful they are intimidate men (and they do), there is, logically, nothing more intimidating than a woman who is fully aware that she is both smart and beautiful. I mean, maybe a room full of tigers with machine guns! That could be scarier! Or, a smart and beautiful lady who makes jokes.
-Tiger Beatdown in I Love You Magazine

1 comment:

  1. yeah geez grow up a little. you're only 23 after all x
